I have a friend who is going through some heavy medical stuff. She's already been though so much and has a pretty knarly treatment plan ahead of her. She's such a trooper though and amazingly stays positive most of the time. We've all felt a little helpless and would do anything to make it all go away. We look for things to make her feel better. We've brought food over for her and her husband. We've driven her to doctor appointments. We've listened and been supportive, encouraging. And me, well, I knit. That's what I do. I knit for her.

Socks to warm her feet up.

A lovely cashmere / silk (Filatura Di Crossa Trilly)
hat in the prettiest of shell pinks to hide the hair loss and help her feel fancy.

And I knit for me. I knit to make me feel better, like I'm doing something for her. Every stitch is a little something.