March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

I don't know what it's like where you are, but here it's just gorgeous. We're having one of those lazy sunny Sunday mornings where it's warmer outside than inside. The doors are open. Mellow music playing. Making our way through the paper with a huge pot of coffee. Sure, we should be packing, but we had a bit of a rough night. The Mr had to call the police at 2am to report the obnoxious drunk neighbor in the back who'd been entertaining for a couple of hours. There's a history of law enforcement involvement there - the short version: messy divorce with an even messier custody dispute. In my Nyquil haze, I can't remember if I called again or if I just dreamt that he got in a huge shouting match with the people from the ratty house to the right and I had to call. Whatever, the point is we're tired, moving slow and dreading the part where we have to get moving.

And that's where the procrastination knitting has come in handy. I just noticed that Truffle, the Natasha yarn I'm using, matches my steamer chair pad.

In other news, I miss the bunny...she's still in Palm Springs.

March 22, 2008


It's done. All contingencies removed. Financing secured even after their first bank closed. Just closed the doors and left us all scrambling. So it looks like the you know is scheduled for the 29th and we'll close a few days later. The Mr and Lucy will stay in the desert and I'll staying with EK for a couple of weeks (so nice of them). A couple of weeks? Yeah, I've got to give notice. For a few years now, I've said over and over that all I want to do is quit my job, knit and travel. Variations have included: be a stay at home dog mom, practice yoga full time, become an esthetician, really learn to cook (say in Italy), sail a catamaran around the world (at least the warm places). The catamaran was more the Mr's idea., but I could do it for a little while. The quit my job part never changed. Now that it seems to be happening, I don't know what to think. I'm relieved about the house closing. It's starting to feel like the wheels are coming off, so the timing couldn't be better. But I've worked since I was 15 -that video store job was the best. I can't tell you how many times I watched Sixteen Candles on Saturday afternoons. Big sigh...Jake.

Anyway, now that it's here and I'm on the verge of quitting, I'm kind of freaking out. What is my life going to look like? What am I going to do all day? Knit, clearly, but all day? Won't I get bored? I hate to think that I'll get tired of knitting, but it's possible. Won't I need to do something to feel like I'm contributing? And what about all my work clothes? And my heels? I can't exaclty put on heels to make a Trader Joe's run. What am I going to wear? Since I won't be dressing for the girls I work with, who will even notice if I've put something cute together? Cuz really, you know you dress for the other women in the office. And trust me, I realize how this all sounds. There are so many bigger issues in the world, but right now, this is what is on my mind.

Also on my mind is 28Thirty. I'm stuck on the arms. They're wide. Like Michelin Man wide. I started my decreases 7 inches down per the pattern, but probably should have started at the beginning. I'm also wondering if it might be a bit long. And because of all this, I'm losing interest (a frequent problem), but need the needles to finish up the baby sweater for D'Popeye (hopefully not his actual name) for the shower next weekend.

Aarrgh...back to packing.

March 16, 2008

We Go Way Back

With the you know allegedly looming, we’re sort of starting to go through stuff. The realtor has said not to pack – we might jinx it – but editing is ok. So today I’m in the garage tossing out vases (not the good ones, just the ones that come with the flowers deliveries with that textured glass, the kind of textured glass that my gramma had on a lamp, except that the lamp was sort of amber colored) from the cabinet above the washing machine and I find my high school yearbook from senior year. No, I’m not going to post a picture. That’s not why I’m mentioning it. Anyway, we had to do Senior Wills. Remember? You “will” things to your friends, little brothers, lower classmen. I’m reading them and, of course, there are things you'd expect – lockers, gym socks, silly sayings, parking spots, old tests, the head cheerleader spot. But what I had to laugh about is this: Mitch willed me a lifetime subscription to the J.Crew catalogue. If he only knew.

What'd I leave in my will? A number of things that make no sense to me today, but to Mitch, I left the blonde model from the J.Crew catalogue. And to my brother? My grades. Sadly, in 1989, I was that girl.

March 10, 2008


I have no idea what the name means, but I can tell you that it's much better than Oblique. And coming along. I don't know what I was thinking with all that Oblique seaming. EK's mom says you should know how to sew up a sweater. I say there's nothing wrong with a raglan sleeve! And I'm loving the ripples.

March 9, 2008


The view from the bedroom. Spring Forward blossoms.

March 5, 2008

Such A Big Deal

So I’m at the Staples Center back on the 20th for a women’s event hosted by one of the work law firms and instead of watching the Clippers play, we’re all about the food, drink and the undies. Yes, undies. I know. Professional, well respected, highly compensated, women. Funny.

Practically everyone in the suite was wearing or raving about (and eventually showing a peak of) Hanky Pankys. I've heard of them - DailyCandy featured them a long time ago - but I had no idea they were such a big deal. Yesterday, they show up on a DailyCandy Deals. 30% off. So I order. Turns out, they’re such a big deal, they’re backordered. Normally, aside from the instant gratification thing, that wouldn’t be a big deal, but what with the you know, delayed delivery is a problem. Can I leave a note for the new owners? Um, yeah, when the box from HipUndies comes, can you forward it? Please. Can I do that?

And speaking of them, they're funding fell through. The bank closed its doors. Just closed the doors. They're scrambling to get it worked out, but I'm worried. Not sure if the you know is still on.

March 3, 2008

A Bit of Travel

The Mr, Lucy and I drove out to Palm Springs for a long weekend and a visit with my parents. I love long weekends. It's just nice to not be at work on Monday. It was warmish, but windy. Sunny and clear.
Lucy? My monkey. Cute; right?

I hadn't planned on leaving her, but the rents freaked out. How could I not think they'd want a visit with the grand-puppy? Yes, the grand-puppy. So she stayed and will be spoiled and completely off her schedule when she comes back. That's how it goes with the grandparents. What are you gonna do?