And speaking of hair, it seems like all of a sudden it's growing. I can actually get it all into a ponytail. It's a short one, but it fits and with a headband, even those frizzy baby hairs stay off my face. I stopped taking the B Complex vitamains a while ago. It makes my pee super yellow, so I couldn't tell if I wasn't drinking enough water or if it was just the vitamin. I'm sort of obsessed wtih staying hydrated in this heat. It's hard though. The water from the fiberglass holding tank tastes bad. Like ass. It doesn't smell, but it definitely tastes like ass and is hard to drink. I brought some of those Crystal Light On-the-Go packs to add to the water, but you can still taste the ass. Which means I'm drinking more rum, beer and coke light. So it's surprising that my hair is growing, what with my nutritious diet and all.
Lucy's birthday was yesterday. Her 4th. I hate that we missed it. Last year she celebrated with peanut butter flavored Frosty Paws, basically a dixie cup of frozen yogurt for dogs. Mom was going to try to find some for the "grand-puppy." Of course, doggy dixie cups might just be a little too California to find in rural Oregon. She (Lucy) did finally get a haircut. I can't figure out why they always leave her hair so long around her mouth. Don't they know she's a girl?

What's "cabin feezer"? Is that when you shoot six holes in your freezer and scream for boat drinks? BTW the hat turned out great. Jacques would be impressed. Merci.
The Mister.
Cabin feezer = extreme cabin feever.
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