November 25, 2008

The First Oncologist Appointment

We saw Dr. Macy, Lucy's oncologist on Sunday. He was so great. He sat on the floor with us. He walked us through Lucy's labs, answered all our questions, used humor when it was possible and was basically a real person. He acknowledged what we were feeling, but didn't play down the severity of her cancer. She's young (only 4), otherwise healthy and because of that, we are going to treat her. Who am I kidding? She could be 12 and we'd still treat her. We'd do whatever it takes to keep her alive.

She received her first IV chemotherapy infusion (a cocktail of drugs) has a number of pills to take throughout the day and we'll just hope she responds. The prognosis isn't great. 85% of treated dogs with lymphoma last for a year. She looks like hell. Both sides of her chest are shaved. She has a big bandage on her back leg. Her breathing is better, but she's still pretty lethargic.

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